Monday, August 16, 2010

how to prep for italy in ten days...

oh, if only kate hudson and matthew mcconaughey had starred in a movie about that instead.

so I have left fabulous ithaca to return home to philly to prepare for my study abroad adventure!!
it still hasn't hit me yet that I am not returning to Cornell until January/ that I will be living and learning in FLORENCE, and I was hoping that coming home to philly for make it seem more concrete, but as of yet, no dice--I am still expecting to load my car up in another week and make the 4 hour journey to the 14853. Sorry Mann library, you still have another 6 months without me :(.

My first feat to accomplish while home is going through all my boxes that have been untouched since freshman year. :-/
Plus side: I have made 4 bags of trash
Negative side: I have SO MANY more boxes to sort through/ it's really hot and cramped in my room.

The most recent box I have tried to go through is labeled "winter shoes and boots" though that is deceptive as there are a large amount of summer shoes in there as well. My plan was to put another empty box next to this one and put all my shoes that are going to Italy in that box and leave the rest in the other box. The first shoes on top were my rain boots and I faced a huge dilemma: "do italians wear rain boots?!" hence my now presence on the internet / blog world...I have started a rampant google search to answer this pressing question and many others about Italy fashion before I even try to begin to pack /attempt to muster chic italy-wearable clothing out of my anything-but wardrobe. Shopping spree anyone?!
if anyone who reads this (which is no one, ha) has any answers about what Italians wear, let me know!!

While I'm home I have a slew of appts to go to, since I am never home and I am leaving the country for a while. I kicked off that excitement with a super fun visit to the dentist. I have graduated to the "big girl" dentist where you no longer get to enjoy a sappy disney classic while your gums bleed everywhere, and instead get your own little room sans colorful posters or murals of fish (like my old dentist had, ha), though on the wall there was this poster called like advice from little kids or something, and it was very enlightening. my two faves:
"you are never to old to hold your dad's hand."
and "if you have to show your mom a bad grade, do it while she is on the phone."
it was really thing I really hate about dentists: when they talk to you / ask you questions while their hand is taking over your mouth. Oh, where do I go to school? ccaaaaawwwwmmmhmmm...oh you've never heard of that? hmm, maybe try asking me when your hand isn't down my throat. thanks! :)

it is really weird being home since I haven't been home for longer than like 12 hours since january; and its weird that I'm leaving the country in NINE DAYS!!! im so nervous/ excited!!!

well, thats enough of my ramblings for now. I'll take any fashion / packing advice I can get!! :)

1 comment:

  1. kim i love this! i still go to the awesome kiddie dentist with the fish tanks and toy prizes :)

    SO SO SO SOOON!!!!!!!!!!!!
